A Theory of Socioemotional Archetypes

My theory states that that there exist 3 forms of socioemotional cultural archetypes:
- Pre-emotional,
- Emotional,
- Post-emotional;
Pre-emotional includes most African tribes and culture. Human(s) which lack the concept of emotion and are driven by self-preservation. Pre-emotional people(s) lacks the faculty of divine virtue in either thought, action or even to articulate a facade of virtue. And hence pre-emotional people(s) lacks the faculty of art, empathy or sentimentality. This translates into the inability to sustain a civilization over long periods of time due to internalized conflict.
Emotional includes most of the western world, at least in the modern context. Cultures wherein the axiom of 情, “phila,” “ero” and “pathos” are demonstrated on at least a superficial level. The western phenomenon of virtue signalling is a symptom of an emotional culture. Additionally, emotional cultures engage in superficially (or subconsciously superficial) charitable activities such as donations, providing extra care for inferior (deficient or disabled) humans, to fundraise for “fighting” cancer and animal rights, etc. People in emotional cultures have higher propensity to express themselves emotionally in erratic and unpredictable ways.
Post-emotional cultures are ones who have mastered and transcended the faculty of emotion. With full understanding of the superficiality of emotions. This constitutes a superset of platonic love in the west and 無 in the east. Post-emotional cultures exhibit compassion in a more abstract and transcendent sense than “kindness” in emotional societies. The knowledge that suffering is the law of the world in which humans reside and the understanding that there is some metaphysical “fairness” that maintains justice in said world.
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Tags: Archetypes, Culture, Emotions, Sentimentality, Social Structures, Superficiality, Theory, Virtue Signalling