Metaphysical Colonialism

Colonialism – A Grey Area
The subject of colonialism lies in the gray area since any absolutism is not necessarily derived from the process of the pursuit of truth. Although the pursuit of truth itself is objectively contrary to the purported objective of Christianity, which is to return to and become one with the tree of life and not with the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, in the context of the material secular world, the pursuit of truth is particularly important in the creation of ideas for the maintenance of civilization.
Anti-colonialism, especially in a postmodern context, is often exclusively articulated by those who align with the socially Marxist, economically left-wing paradigm. For instance, many Marxists and neo-communists have co-opted the ideology of anti-colonialism. They have effectively reduced the definition of colonialism to that of systematic and historic capitalistic white supremacy.
The anti-colonialist movement in Australia namely has been co-opted by political parties such as the Australian labor party, the greens party and other non-governmental organizations. These organizations are not simply anti-colonialists and they do not claim to be anti-colonialists, but they do articulate an ideology where which the native Australian aborigines or anyone who claims they are thereof is entitled to specific government grants and benefits which is inaccessible to the general Australian population.
Right-wing Arguments Against Colonialism
Firstly, Colonialism perpetuates miscegenation and or the deterioration of native civilizations. The colonization of Australia has in fact implied miscegenation of the native Australian aborigines with white Europeans.
Secondly, through the Nietzschean ideology of strength makes right or might makes right colloquially, we can derive the notion that objective morality is determined by nothing more than the power one yields. For instance, if one exercises omnipotent powers over a group of individuals, namely a civilization, then whatever actions the one who yields power exercises is automatically in line with the moral framework of the civilization.
As we have seen through history this is not necessarily the case, since many kings and emperors have been overthrown after they have juxtaposed a external duty-based moral framework. For instance, many kings and emperors have been overthrown for contradicting the church or other institutions like the heavens
Lastly, under the circumstances to which a more powerful civilization invades your own, how would you react, i.e if a superior space alien civilization decided to colonize planet Earth and all the inferior civilizations on planet earth how would you feel from your perspective? And since many religions argue against argue against an egocentric point of view, it is often important to examine alternative points of view from the perspective of the civilization to which you are colonizing.
Has Colonialism Improved Living Conditions for Natives?
An argument that opposes this is that for instance, in Australia
many Aborigines have been granted access to a state-sanctioned welfare system to which no other group of individuals have access to. The colonizers have also developed medical technology, civilization and scientific technology on the land where which they have invaded. So from a perspective of someone who views these achievements as beneficent, then colonization in their perspective is not necessarily as bad as what some anti-colonialists claim.
However, many people have also argued on the contrary, in favor of anti-colonialism that other cultures may not necessarily align their perspective of what is progress with that of the Anglo-European worldview. However, there are in fact, some objective standards to which you can determine which colonial achievements are beneficent and which are not. Most people would agree that the increased life expectancy after colonialism in Australia is a beneficent achievement on the part of Anglo-European civilization.
Colonialism, a Metaphysical Perspective
From the metaphysical perspective, we see that different civilizations, the invasions thereof and different wars are resultant of supernatural forces. In the Indo-Aryan tradition, it is widely believed that the secular material world is nothing but an extension of the metaphysical plane of existence. This is an idea espoused by individuals such as Julius Evola and other traditionalist scholars in the past.
Through the Indo-Aryan worldview, we see that the inferiority and superiority of a civilization is directly determined by their state of existence in the metaphysical caste system and we often see that East Asia and parts of Europe are at the top of this caste system while Africa, parts of the Middle East and native Australians are on the other end of the spectrum.
Perhaps if the universe is just, from the Indo-Aryan perspective, we see that the wheel of Samsara often ensures that the past present and future is justified, i.e., if someone commits a bad deed, then that person will pass away and reincarnate as someone who belongs to a civilization that is lower in the Indo-Aryan caste.
From a Christian point of view, noted there are two varieties of Christianity including neo-Christianity – the sect of Christianity which in part was formed and in part helped form the enlightenment ideologies of egalitarianism, capitalism, and individualism. Neo-Christianity also includes sects such as the belief that there is a Judaic element in Christianity, namely the usage of the term Judeo-Christian.
These enlightenment ideologies are widely opposed by paleo-Christianity. Paleo-Christianity itself is widely associated with the mixture of Christian ideology with Indo-Aryan civilization. Indo-Aryan culture postulates that the Aryan caste system is determinant of the metaphysical state to which the secular material state reflects.
The egalitarian enlightenment ideology argues that humans are created equally at conception and are effectively blank slates who can be molded into an adult through their actions and their actions alone. Hence the ideology of individualistic determinism as opposed to primordial determinism is opposed by Indo-Aryan traditional culture.
Christianity’s Role in Perpetuating Anti-colonialism
Does Christianity have a role to play in the perpetuation of anti-colonialism? In fact, yes, because Christianity argues that every human is created equally under the eyes of God.
There can be two interpretations for this message, the neo-Christian interpretation: that everyone is created equal, so therefore everyone should be treated equal; or that everyone is not created equal and primordial determinism determines one’s future outcome. If you are not primordially determined to become someone successful, then you will never become successful.
In the Christian interpretation of the second case, to a Christian one would determine that he should have an equal opportunity of attaining salvation under the eyes of God, but not to be treated equally per se. This is the same ideology that is perpetuated among esoteric and Theravada Buddhist sects. This involved the belief that humans are created inherently unequally and should not be treated equally but should have the equal right to attain salvation and/or enlightenment.
In Conclusion, Subjectively
I believe colonialism itself is moral, since I believe that karmic retribution determines the outcome of a civilization or primordially determines the outcome of an individual.
Since I personally do not believe humans
are created equally at conception, everyone is good at different things and that humans should not be treated equally.
But that said, I do believe in the importance of virtue-based morality even though I believe the superior has the right to conquer the inferior, I do believe that the superior requires a moral framework that is enforced voluntarily to attain a higher state of existence.
For instance, a superior civilization can conquer an inferior one and crown itself as the supreme civilization on Earth. But they are not the supreme civilization necessarily in the macrocosm.
Hence from a metaphysical perspective, the importance of salvation is equally important for those of the higher caste and those in the
lower caste.
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Tags: Aboriginals, Australia, Christianity, Colonialism, Ethics, Indo-Aryan, Metaphysics, Morality, Neo-Christianity, Paleo-Christianity